Classroom Conduct & Social/Emotional Learning 

Be Kind 

Students are encouraged to be kind to others. The class will foster many discussioms on kindness, inclusion, and friendship. We will also have a kindness jar in the room, as described in motivational strategies.  

Be Responsible

Students are expected to be responsible individuals within the classroom community. This discussion will delve into independence, allowing students to better understand their autonomy. 

Be Respectful

Students are expected to treat others with respect. In teaching this, I will foster discussions about what respect means and how it feels to be disrespected vs. respected by others. 

Listen Carefully

In the classroom, it's important everyone feels heard. This means listening politely and respectfully while someone is speaking before taking your turn. 

Do Your Best Work

Students are expected to do their best work in school, which means following the rules and procedures and being ready to learn! 

Social/Emotional Learning

In accordance with my philosophy, alongside academic guidance, fostering students' social and emotional skills is my duty as a teacher. I believe it is my priviledge to be able to instill such crucial foundations within children as they develop into problem solvers! 

Calm Down Corner

Every classroom needs a safe space, hence the Calm Down Corner. Here, students will find comfort items and several self-regulation methods. Including but not limited to: squishy stress toys, self-help books and charts, and calm down jars. This area will be carefully monitored and close to the teacher's desk, in direct line of sight. This allows for students to become more independent and explore their own autonomy while remaining close to guidance. 

Squishy stress manipulatives

Differenitated based on students' needs and explicitly taught/modeled procedures for expected and appropriate behavior in using these tools. 

Calm Sensory Jars

Self-help books

This series is a recent favorite of mine! I love reading & incorporating purposeful storytimes into the school day.